Thursday 3 November 2011

Season 3, Episode Four: THE GRAND FINAL

Both remaining "freshers" were very excited for the grand final. All the apathy was gone, and both were excited to get to the final challenge. 

The challenge was simple, run to the ball at the end of the courtyard and back. They stood behind two volunteering (volunteered) club members, had to run to the ball, and back to the club memeber. Shall we see what happened:

Sometime later...

And finally, the Victorious: DYLAN


He will go down in history as a Fruvivor champion. He has been let into the very exclusive Fruvivor Champions group on facebook. 

He will be rewarded his prize of a random trophy... Whenever I get around to buying one!

Thankyou for reading! ~~ 


Wednesday 26 October 2011

Season 3, Episode Four

After so many so successful episodes of Fruvivor this season, we thought we'd ask all our Fruvivors how things were going. Firstly, we auto-eliminated the guy who didn't show up and then we posed a question to the three remaining Fruvivors.

"Do you want to Fruvivor?"

This was the response we got: 

Yes, Yes, No.
As you can see, clearly from this photo, the two of the three remaining Fruvivors were interested, and one was not. We assumed they would think it was a twist, as there have been a lot of twists this season, and would eliminate the two who were interested, and leave Gerard victorious. However, in a twist that it was, for once, not a twist. A DOUBLE-TWIST, even, we actually eliminated Gerard, and released him from his Fruvivor-ing.

He was very sad:

This is his sad face
Next time on, fruvivor:


Wednesday 12 October 2011

Season 3, Episode Three


An early merge of the Fruvivor teams. Both teams were very shocked! (By shocked I mean ambivalent)

There first challenge as a team was to create a reproduction of the wonderful Fan fic created by Jeremy.

Below is the moving scene created:

And unfortunately after that wonderful performance, a team member had to be eliminated.

It was the guy who didn't show up.

Next time on, fruvivor:

Do you want to Fruvivor?

BONUS: Dylan's Fan fic:

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Fan Fic results

And the results are in! In a winning streak of 3 years in a row, Jeremy has the best fan fiction!

His latest story can be read here!

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Season 3, Episode Two

So the Fruvivors returned for their glorious team presentations!

After having all week to prepare, neither team had anything organised, so the teams flipped to see who would go first, and who got some time to prepare. We said the worst presentation would win, as both teams wanted to lose and have someone voted off.

Dylan's team:

Gerard's team:

Raph and I had a disagreement over the better (and thus worse) performance. I had enjoyed The Ginyuu force's performance, whereas Raph preferred Something Heroic. We put it to a vote and Something Heroic won, and thus lost. They put forth two people for elimination.

We were about to put it to vote among the BBQ when suddenly...!

The remaining Fruvivors were given the challenge: Write a fan fiction involving two members of the club going on a first date. The usual rules about creativity of couples applied.

Next time on, fruvivor:

The Fruvivors re-enact scenes from the best fan fiction.

Monday 26 September 2011

Season 3, Episode One

Introducing Fruvivor Season 3!


We have very exciting new hosts, new players and new freshers!

Bec and Raph hosting 2011
And of course, we have many exciting new challenges! Which, honestly, are just repeats from previous seasons...  but that's OK because we have ACTUAL freshers to test them out on.

It took a lot of convincing to get these guys involved, but I'm very excited to introduce the fruvivor teams of 2011!

Gerard's team

New this year are team captains! This is an exciting new feature to ensure that all members are attending the BBQ, and to take the work load off the hosts for convincing people to do things!

So here we have the three members of Gerard's team. They are tempted with fame, glory, prizes but mostly are being forced into it.
Dylan's team

So you may recognise a familiar face here on this team. We like to say because he was he was the favourite last year that we're giving Dylan another shot at glory, but to be honest we needed to boost the numbers.

So after the photoshoot the Fruvivors were given their first challenge.

Create a team name and organise a team presentation for next week.

The fruvivors worked hard at completely forgetting about this all week.

Next time on, fruvivor:

Team performances